
grand tour

.grand 'tour
the grand tour
a trip round Europe made in the past by young British or American people from rich families as part of their education
an occasion when someone takes you around a building to show it to you - used humorously
 They took us on a grand tour of their new house.
1. While on a walking tour with his wife, he stopped to talk to a workman.

2. The Disneyland tour was replete with unexpected thrills and suspense.

3. The play´s on tour now but I simply must see it when it gets back.

4. The area, called the Grand Banks, was the most abundant fishing ground in the world.

5. A story is told about a Swede who wanted to join Napoleon´s Grand Army.

6. A story is told about a Swede who wanted to join Napoleon´s Grand Army.

7. A story is told about a Swede who wanted to join Napoleon´s Grand Army.

8. Visits to really remote villages are seldom enjoyable----as my wife and I discovered during a tour through the Balkans.

9. Most roommate conflicts spring from such small, irritating differences rather than from grand disputes over abstract philosophical principles.

10. Our guests reside at the Grand Hotel.
